Of Viruses and Men
Hi folks, There surely isn't much need to brief you with basics on computer viruses (neither on biological ones) as an introduction for this article. Because today we're going to tell you a few less Explore more
Hi folks, There surely isn't much need to brief you with basics on computer viruses (neither on biological ones) as an introduction for this article. Because today we're going to tell you a few less Explore more
Hi folks, For today I'll tell you a short story about this quasi-debate I had the other day with a friend of mine regarding technology and its consequences. Me and Koto are relatively new friends act Explore more
Hi folks, We've paraphrased the title of a famous song by the Beatles to introduce you (in case you aren't already familiarized with) the concept of "Internet of Things" ("IoT"). The Internet of thin Explore more
Hi folks, Most probably, back in 1994, no living person on Earth would have seen any sense whatsoever in giving a dotcom startup Company the megalomaniacal name "Amazon". After all, the Amazon is the Explore more
Hi folks, The lie we've deliberately slipped in our previous article is about Windows 7 being dubbed "Windows Se7en". This stylization was never used for Windows OS but it was however created and use Explore more
Hi folks, The big fat lie we've deliberately inserted in our previous article was about 'discography': of course discography has nothing to do with hard-disks nor has it something to do with graphics Explore more