Cloud as a source of innovation
Users, spending even more time online, require specific tools to complete their everyday tasks. The market of sharing and collaborative solutions is yet to grow and new players are about to enter, offering sharing services for specific situations and needs. In the present article, we learn how DocuVieware-Box, a document sharing platform for everyday purposes, has come into existence.
We all have realized how it has become important to have effective online document sharing tools at hand.
DocuVieware-Box, a free document sharing platform developed by ORPALIS, was initially meant to facilitate billing and communication with customers.
The platform offers online document sharing and viewing functionalities directly in the browser. Users benefit from instant access to the documents without a need to download a specific application. It also saves much needed storage space, which is often a major issue, especially for mobile users.
Sending bills as attachments is no longer needed
It all started when the ORPALIS sales department received a number of complaints indicating that attachments in some emails had been blocked by proxy settings of the server or by firewalls.
Indeed, attachments might contain viruses and therefore are often considered as a threat to IT security. An urgent solution to ensure effective communication flow was needed.
Being experts in developing components for document management solutions, the decision was made to proceed with an in-house developed sharing platform to restore effective billing processes. The company wanted to go beyond sharing files and decided to also offer document viewing capabilities directly in the browser.