feature explanations

Camera RAW files formats explained


Hi folks, This week we will provide our general public with explanations on camera RAW files formats because this subject is often ignored or misunderstood and because our software supports more than Explore more

Raster vs vector graphics images


Hi folks, Today we are going to explain the differences between raster graphics and vector graphics for our general public. Raster graphics Raster graphics images (or bitmaps) are based on the elemen Explore more

Image Enhancement: Median Filtering

General, Tips & tricks|

Hi folks, We continue the series of explanations on image enhancement techniques meant for our general public and this week we are going to give you some additional info about median filtering. Images Explore more

Deskew/Autodeskew: What’s That?

General, Tips & tricks|

Hi folks, This week we thought about offering to our general public some explanations about deskew/autodeskew, mainly to answer two questions: what's that and why is it important to have? Skew is an a Explore more