Which bitmap format to choose
Hi folks, Following the short suite of articles that briefly described the most popular raster graphics file formats, today we will try to make a synthesis and see which format would be a best choice Explore more
23rd August, 2013General|
Hi folks, Following the short suite of articles that briefly described the most popular raster graphics file formats, today we will try to make a synthesis and see which format would be a best choice Explore more
31st May, 2013General, PaperScan, Tips & tricks|
Hi folks, Today we will try to give you a quick overview on the GIF file format. GIF format was introduced by CompuServe in 1987 and soon became widely adopted because it supported colours (unlike its Explore more
19th April, 2013Compression, Formats, General|
Hi folks, This week we are going to tell you a short story about LZW compression and how it influenced three widespread graphics file formats: TIFF, GIF, and PNG. How it started The story began in 19 Explore more